10 Ways to Keep Your Holiday Wellness in Check

JOY candles - a decorative display of how we want to feel during the holidays

Ah, the holidays! A time for joy, festivities, and… stress? That’s right, while we’re busy decking the halls and wrapping presents, our holiday wellness can take a backseat faster than you can imagine.

But fear not! Here are 10 easy ways to stay on top of your wellness game during the holiday craziness, ensuring you glide into 2024 feeling healthy, strong, and ready to take on new goals!

1. Mindful Munching

During the holidays, our plates are often more loaded than Santa’s sleigh. Practice mindful eating by really savoring each bite. This doesn’t mean you need to have a special diet, skip meals, or turn down Grandma’s famous pie – just enjoy it in moderation.

A bite of pie and a heap of laughter can be the perfect combo.

Try cutting back on your portions, while still enjoying all the delicious holiday foods, and maybe only having a bite or two of dessert.

The next morning, focus on how much better you feel when you don’t overeat or drink. It’s a strong motivator to keep it up!

2. Hydration Station

With all the holiday hustle, it’s easy to forget the basics, like drinking water. If you’re on the go a lot, it’s easy to overlook this important habit.

Keep a fresh pitcher of flavored water visible on your counter, at your desk, or carry a festive water bottle with you.

Sipping on it all day will keep your water intake at the optimum, and you may not even notice it.

Try infusing your water with one of these holiday combinations – finding a flavor you love will help you drink your water, and it looks so festive!

Cranberry and Rosemary Sparkle:

Drop a handful of fresh cranberries and a sprig of rosemary into your water.

It’s not just hydrating; it’s practically a Christmas decoration in a glass!

Cinnamon Apple Twist:

Add thin slices of apple and a cinnamon stick to your water.

It’s like drinking the essence of a holiday pie, minus the calories and the need to turn on your oven.

Citrus and Pomegranate Jingle:

Combine slices of orange, lemon, and a sprinkle of pomegranate seeds.

It’s a burst of color and antioxidants, making your water a merry and bright delight.

A Hydration Station - always good for wellness any time of year

Minty Cucumber Cooler:

Mix cucumber slices with fresh mint leaves.

This one’s a refreshing palate cleanser after all the delicious holiday meals.

Pear and Ginger Sleigh Ride:

Add thin slices of pear with a few slivers of ginger.

This combo is not just hydrating; it’s like a gentle sleigh ride for your taste buds.

Holiday Berry Blast:

Toss in a mix of frozen berries like raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries.

They’ll keep your water cold and infuse a subtle berry flavor – a real winter wonderland in a cup.

Lime and Basil Blizzard:

Add a twist with lime slices and basil leaves.

It’s zesty, it’s fresh, and it’s like a holiday cocktail, minus the hangover.

Spiced Orange Comfort:

Orange slices with cloves and a cinnamon stick can make your water taste like a cozy holiday evening by the fireplace.

Vanilla and Pear Festivity:

A slice of pear with a vanilla bean can give a subtle, dessert-like sweetness to your water, making hydration feel like a treat.

Cherry and Lime Cheer:

Combine fresh cherries and lime slices for a tangy, sweet infusion that’s as festive as it is tasty.

The key to enjoying these holiday-infused waters is to let them sit for a bit (at least an hour or two) so the flavors can mingle and jingle together, marinating your water in holiday spirit. And it gives you more time to admire your festive handiwork!

How ever you want to drink it, just remember to stay hydrated and you’ll be a step ahead with your holiday wellness!

3. Sneaky Exercise

Who has time for the gym when there’s a holiday season to enjoy? Give yourself a break and incorporate exercise into your routine. Park farther from the store, take the stairs, or have a dance-off while decking the halls. Your body (and mood) will thank you.

4. Create Some Zen

Create a peaceful space at home. It can be a corner with a comfy chair, some candles, and your favorite book. Escape here when the holiday cheer gets overwhelming. Or if you just need a few minutes to step back and recharge. It’s like a little sanity sanctuary.

5. Prioritize Sleep

With so much going on this time of year, it’s tempting to cut into your zzz’s, but a well-rested you is a happy you. Try a bedtime routine – maybe some calming music and a no-phone zone to help you drift off.

If you want to stay sane, it’s important to sleep like a baby, not a sugar-plum fairy!

Check out my post on How to Get Better Sleep for more information on the importance of sleep and tips on how to get the quality sleep you need.

Laughter at a Holiday Party - a great thing for your holiday wellness

6. Laugh it Off

Laughter is seriously good for you. It reduces stress and boosts your mood instantly.

So, watch a funny movie (Christmas Vacation is my fav!), share jokes with friends, or laugh at your own holiday mishaps. Like they say, there’s not use crying over spilt eggnog!

7. Gratitude Attitude

There’s no better time than the Holidays to be appreciative and thankful for what we have and what is important in life.

Take a moment each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for. It can be as simple as a good cup of coffee or as grand as family.

This small act can have a big impact on your outlook and understanding the reason for the season.

8. Tech Timeout

Set aside some tech-free time. Whether it’s during meals, the first hour of your morning, while you’re working on a project, or before bed, unplugging can help you recharge your own batteries.

One of the hardest habits to break is reaching for your phone to scroll social media when you do have a few minutes of downtime. But a few minutes can easily turn into 30 minutes, and that adds up quickly over time.

So, focus on giving yourself some tech-free time and enjoy the mental break from the tech-stimulus.

A Christmas tree atop the family car - reaching out to help others is one way to support your holiday wellness.

9. Reach Out

Connect with friends or family, even if it’s just a quick call or a heartfelt text.

Social connections are key to our wellbeing, and a little chat can go a long way.

Especially during the holidays, it’s always good to check in on our loved ones to make sure they are doing well.

10. Volunteering Vibes

If possible, volunteer some time for a cause you care about. Even better, get your family and friends involved – it’s a great way to spread holiday cheer by helping others and feel good in the process.

Plus, everyone can use a break from the commercial side of the season.

Holiday Wellness is Your Gift to You

Try focusing on one, two, three, or more of these ways to keep your wellness in check while rocking around the Christmas tree. They’re designed to help you stay healthy and on top of your game during this busy season, all without you breaking your stride.

Some of these may end up turning into your 2024 goals, and getting a good start on them in December will only help you be successful!

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How do you keep your wellness in check during the holiday season?

There are so many ways to take care of yourself and sharing our best tips with each other is a great way to connect!

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