I’m Amy (aka The RustiChic), thank you for checking out my blog! It means you’re at least thinking about your wellness and how you’re living your life as you get older. Or maybe you’re just looking for some new inspiration and ideas for living a better life, especially in these crazy times. Either way, by nurturing the art of getting better with age you open yourself up to so much potential for a life that you never imagined! Once you make a few small changes you’ll be amazed at how motivated you get to become your best version – and it’s never too late to start!

But before we get started here’s a bit more about Yours Truly…

The Simple Facts

I’ve always lived in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, and throughout my life I’ve had quite a few amazing experiences.  I grew up on a small farm riding horses and helping with the cows, pigs, and ducks, went camping every year with my family, and boating around the sound with my grandparents. In my early teenage years, I spent countless hours roller skating (and am so excited this has made a comeback!).  As a young adult I went to college, snow and water skied, raced sailboats, then rode motorcycles on local outings and long road trips. I started working my career in the fashion industry as a retail buyer and merchandise planner, then transitioned to systems design and support and ultimately landed at Microsoft (weird, right?).

This image is a picture of my 2 dachshunds, Porter James and Jethro Tull.

At 39 years young I met my husband, Darren. We got married, had 2 beautiful and amazing daughters, and moved to an island in the Pacific Northwest (one of the best places in the world to call home!). Here we are happily living life our way, along with our 2 mini dachshunds, Porter James and Jethro Tull (JT).

My Creative Passion

Knitting Project with Coffee, depicting one of my creative passions

Some of my favorite passions in my life have been technology (10+ years working at Microsoft), writing, and all kinds of creativity (instilled at an early age by my mother).  It started before I was even in school, but over the years I’ve learned to crochet, knit, embroider, macrame, batik, papier mâché, draw, paint, carve, bead, sew, and refinish furniture! Over the years there have been times when I was so busy with life that I didn’t give any time and energy to my creative side. I’ve since learned how unfulfilled that leaves me, how important my creative side is to my wellness and authenticity, and what a positive impact creativity has on mental health and happiness. It definitely is a big part of this wellness journey!

A Simple Vision

The simple vision that my husband and I have for the 2nd half of our lives is that we have the freedom to live it how we want.  That means not working for someone else but working for ourselves.  And having the ability to work anywhere we are.  In order to live that kind of life and thrive in it means that we need to be the best healthy versions of ourselves we can be.  And so, I began to work at being healthier and stop feeling like I had reached my peak, and it was all downhill from there.

Nurturing the Art of Getting Better with Age

White TeaCup Saucer on Wood

Having found the passion for this has given me so much hope and enthusiasm for the future, and I hope I can pass some of that on to other women who find themselves in the same place in life.  There are so many facets to the art of getting better with age, which makes it one wild and exciting adventure!  Please follow along and engage whenever and wherever you can – I would love to hear from you!
