Do You Need to Take Control of Your Life?

30 Ways to Refocus, Simplify, and Take Back Control

A peaceful stack of rocks at the beach

It’s a common theme these days – life has become more complex, overscheduled, chaotic and negative than it’s ever been before.  And so often we find we’re not living the life that we want to or dream of.  But most days there isn’t any time to think or breathe, let alone make any changes.  Where would we even start to simplify and take control of our life?  It’s an easy rut to get caught in, but a very difficult one to get out of. 

But amidst all this chaos there’s a treasure trove of simplicity and valuable time waiting to be unearthed and reveled in!  All it takes is a few intentional steps in the right direction and the decision to start with some small changes.  One small positive step leads to another, and another.  Before you know it, you’ve made some massive change! Seeing the benefit these changes bring to your life motivates you like nothing else, and lets you see first-hand that you are in charge of your life. So, change it up!

30 Ways to Refocus, Simplify, and Take Control of Your Life

To help you get started here’s 30 practical and soul-nourishing ways to simplify your life.  These changes are designed to free up your time to focus on other more meaningful activities. Or they may bring sparks of creativity and simple pleasures into your daily routines.  If you’re stuck in a rut you just don’t feel you can get out of, starting with one or two of these can be the catalyst that gets you moving in a new direction.

I find that I’m constantly trying to focus on many of these. And some I’m better at than others. There are days I feel like I’ve slayed all of them, and other days not a one. But I keep going because tomorrow is another opportunity to do better. And before you know it, you can really see and feel the positive changes and new habits you’ve formed in your life. And that right there is so MOTIVATING! So, let’s embark on this adventure of stripping away the unnecessary, igniting your creativity, starting new habits and paying attention to the simple joys that surround us!

1. Declutter Your Space and Purge Your Junk:

A tidy living space, as it would look when you take control of your life

Streamlined Possessions = Elevated Peace and Tranquility, so release your inner minimalist!  Visual clutter can lead to mental clutter. By decluttering your space and letting go of items that no longer serve you, you create room for clarity and calm, free up time otherwise spent cleaning and looking for misplaced items and are able to focus on what truly matters.  A clutter-free environment can alleviate stress and enhance your focus, allowing you to enjoy your surroundings without the weight of unnecessary belongings. 

Start by tackling one room at a time.  Go through your belongings and ask yourself, do I use this item, is it valuable to me, or does it make me happy? Donate, sell, or recycle anything that no longer fits into your life. Check out my blog post Declutter for Your Peace of Mind for tips on how to tackle your house.

  • Decluttr:  This app lets you sell cell phones, tech, CDs, DVDs, games, and books you no longer need – available in Apple and Google Play stores
  • Tody: This highly rated app helps you organize and manage cleaning tasks, ensuring your living spaces stay clutter-free – available in Apple and Google Play stores
  • The Joy of Less – A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify: Learn about minimalist principles and how to apply them to various aspects of your life in this book

2. Clean Out Your Closets:

An organized bedroom space

Create Simplicity in Choices – Clearing out your closets means more than just organizing clothes. It’s about focusing on your true style and self-expression, dressing with confidence, and cultivating simplicity in choices.  A pared-down wardrobe not only makes getting ready a breeze but also encourages mindful consumption and a renewed appreciation for what you truly love to wear.  

Bid farewell to those outfits you haven’t worn in years and focus on versatile pieces that you actually love wearing. When you love your clothing, you wear it with confidence and your style shines through. Read my blog post Closet Cleanout & Reboot Your Style for Ageless Self-Expression for more detail on why this is important to your wellness and how to go about it.

3. Organize Your House:

Create a Sanctuary of Order – When your living space is organized with intention, everything has a designated place.  This brings an immediate sense of calm, helping you save time searching for things and ensuring your environment is a haven of order and functionality. Implement an organization system that makes sense to you.  Label containers, invest in storage solutions, and maintain a designated spot for everything.  This makes tidying up a breeze.

4. Clean Out Your Email:

Cultivate Digital Serenity – A cluttered inbox can be overwhelming. By cleaning out your email and unsubscribing from unnecessary newsletters, you free your digital space from chaos. This newfound simplicity allows you to focus on meaningful communication and important updates.  Unsubscribe from newsletters that no longer interest you. Create filters to automatically categorize emails and reduce the clutter in your inbox.

  • Easily unsubscribe from unwanted emails and consolidate subscription emails into a single digest with this app – available in Apple and Google Play stores

5. Go Paperless:

Simplify with Digital EfficiencyTransitioning to a paperless approach has many benefits to you and your environment. It saves space, time, and money. By reducing the amount of paper you use, you can free up valuable space in your home or office, save time on printing, scanning, filing, and shredding documents, and save money on paper, ink, and storage costs.

A paperless office space, as you would see when you take control of your life

It also contributes to a greener world. By going paperless, you can reduce your environmental impact and help conserve natural resources, such as trees, water, and energy. According to the Environmental Paper Network, the paper industry is the fourth largest industrial source of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. And paper production and consumption account for about 40% of the world’s deforestation.

And if that wasn’t enough, going paperless also improves security. You can protect your sensitive information from unauthorized access, theft, loss, or damage. Digital documents can be encrypted, password-protected, backed up, and stored in secure cloud platforms that offer better security and compliance than paper documents. You can also control who can access, edit, or share your digital documents, and track any changes or activities on them.

Embracing digital tools for documents and notes brings efficiency, accessibility, and security to your life and reduces your carbon footprint.  So, digitize those documents and opt for electronic bills and statements. Your well-being and the environment will thank you!

  • CamScanner: Scans and digitizes paper documents, receipts, and notes from your phone – available in Apple and Google Play stores

6. Reduce Waste and Carbon Footprint:

Nurture the Planet and Your Conscience – Minimizing waste and your carbon footprint is a step toward conscious living. When you make environmentally friendly choices, you contribute to a healthier planet and cultivate a sense of purposeful responsibility.  Embrace reusable items, from grocery bags to water bottles.  Compost kitchen scraps and recycle diligently. Drive an electric car. Pack smartly on vacation. Buy less. Small changes add up to big impacts.

For more information and ideas to reduce your carbon footprint, read this article by The Washington Post: 10 Steps You Can Take to Lower Your Carbon Footprint.

  • Aerial: Track your carbon footprint and offset your emissions with this app – available in Apple and Google Play stores

7. Simplify Household Chores:

Maximize Time for What Matters – Streamlining household chores and routines means you spend less time on the mundane and more on the meaningful.  You’ll have the freedom to invest your energy in activities that truly bring you joy and fulfillment.  Streamline your routines and allocate specific days for tasks like laundry and cleaning.  Use efficient cleaning products and involve the family in maintaining the house.

  • Cozi Family Organizer: A shared calendar app that helps coordinate family schedules and tasks – available in Apple and Google Play stores

8. Create a Command Center:

Stay Organized and Empowered – Establishing a command center in your home ensures you never miss important information.  From calendars to notes and schedules, having a designated space keeps you organized, empowered, and in control of your commitments. Designate a space where important information and schedules are displayed.  No more frantic searches for school notices or appointment cards!

9. Digital Detox – Simplify Your Social Media:

A phone and journal

Reclaim Your Focus – In a world constantly buzzing with digital distractions, reclaiming control over your screen time becomes paramount. Trimming down your social media consumption reduces information overload and gives you back time. Spending just 30 minutes a day on social media apps adds up to 1 month over a year!

By curating your online interactions and prioritizing what truly matters, you create space for authentic connections and activities that enrich your life. Establish screen time limits for specific apps to prevent mindless scrolling and unfollow accounts that don’t inspire you. Consider designating tech-free zones or times in your home to foster meaningful connections and relaxation. By recalibrating your relationship with digital devices, you’ll find renewed focus and the space to engage more deeply with life’s tangible joys.

10. Simplify Your Calendar:

Prioritize With Purpose – Simplifying your calendar means embracing a more intentional approach to your commitments. By prioritizing what aligns with your values and goals, you create a sense of balance and control over your time.  Prioritize essential commitments and leave room for spontaneity.  Avoid overloading your schedule, giving you space to enjoy life’s unexpected moments.

  • Google Calendar: Use color-coded events, reminders, and time blocking to create an organized and simplified calendar

11. Create a Vision Board for Your Future:

Ignite Passion and Self Expression – If you’re not sure what exactly you want to do with your life going forward, or don’t quite know where your interest lie, creating a vision board is a great start to getting there. A vision board can be as simple as a collection of images that spark something inside you. Or it can be as well-defined as websites, images, and ideas for a specific trip you want to take. It’s a wonderful tool you can use to immerse yourself in a direction you want to take, learn more about your options to really focus on what you want, and keep yourself motivated to stay engaged in the journey.

  • Pinterest: This app allows you to create boards and pin ideas, images, projects, quotes, links, etc. together to create a unique collage for your personal interests

12. Start a Gratitude Journal:

A blank gratitude journal

Cultivate Positivity and Reflection – Keeping a gratitude journal allows you to reflect on the positive aspects of your life. This simple act can reduce stress, increase optimism, improve your mood and mental well-being, boost your immune functions, improve your overall physical health, ultimately giving you more satisfaction with life.

By regularly acknowledging the things you’re thankful for, you shift your perspective toward joy and gratitude, fostering a mindset of positivity and increasing happiness.  Set aside time each day to jot down things you’re grateful for.  Our lives are full of reasons to feel thankful. Sometimes we need to remember to notice them.

  • Day One: A journaling app that lets you record daily moments of gratitude and reflection, and can give you a daily prompt – available in the Apple or Google Play stores

13. Pick Up a Hobby or Start Creating:

Ignite Passion and Self-Expression – Engaging in a hobby or creative endeavor is a gateway to self-discovery and joy. Whether it’s painting, writing, gardening, or crafting, these activities offer a meaningful outlet for self-expression. Dive into a new hobby or resurrect an old one.  The experience will infuse your life with enthusiasm and a renewed sense of purpose, nurture your mental well-being, enhance your focus, encourage a balanced life, and give you a meaningful escape.

If you don’t think that you’re creative, try one of these books, designed to help you release your creative energy and unleash the artist within.

Yarn and knitting needles, used to make a special gift for a loved one

14. Make Gift-Giving Authentic:

Cultivate Meaningful Connections – Shift your approach to gift-giving from materialism to thoughtfulness and authenticity.  Instead of focusing solely on lavish presents, prioritize thoughtful gestures that resonate with the recipient’s values and interests. Crafting gifts yourself or finding unique treasures while you’re traveling reinforces connections, shows appreciation in a deeply personal way, and enhances the joy of giving and receiving.

Read my post Is Your Gift Giving Meaningful? DIY Gifts That Make a Difference about why meaningful gifts are as important to our well-being as they are to the recipient, and ideas for creating authentic gifts.

15. Prioritize Home-Cooked Meals and Family Time:

Nurture Family Connections and Well-Being – Home-cooked meals enjoyed at the table are an opportunity to nourish both your body and family bonds.  Engaging in this ritual fosters meaningful conversations and creates space for connection amidst busy lives.  Choose nutritious recipes that promote well-being and make mealtimes an intentional act of care.  This one daily act helps you prioritize healthy eating, engage in quality family time, keep connected with your kids, create lasting memories, and enriches your daily life with cherished moments of togetherness. 

16. Create a Recipe Binder:

Streamline Meal Planning and Elevate Nutrition – Craft a recipe binder filled with your family’s favorite meals and new recipes you want to try.  Include quick and easy options that reduce the reliance on fast food.  Organize recipes thoughtfully to simplify meal planning and preparation.  Having a go-to resource reduces mealtime stress and encourages healthier choices, ensuring that family meals are both nutritious and delightful. See my post Create a Family Recipe Binder for more information and an easy way to do this.

  • Paprika Recipe Manager: Use this app to organize your recipes digitally, make meal plans, and create shopping lists based on selected recipes. Includes timers for cooking, can automatically scale recipes for you, and easily saves recipes directly from the web
A green smoothie to start your day and help take control of your life

17. Change Up Your Diet:

Nourish with Whole Foods and Vibrant Health – Elevate your well-being by embracing a diet focused on simple, healthy foods. Starting the day with a green smoothie helps you continue eating healthy all day.  Gradually reduce processed foods and sugar from your intake, inviting sustainable energy and vitality into your life.  This will improve your energy levels, overall health, and give you a clearer mindset.  As you prioritize your nutrition choices you strengthen your body’s resilience and pave the way for a more vibrant life (seriously, you just feel better!)

  • MyFitnessPal: An app to track water and nutritional intake, fitness goals and achievements, plan meals, and guide healthier food choices – available in the Apple or Google Play stores

18. Use Subscription Services:

Streamline Essential Deliveries for Convenience – Simplify your life by utilizing subscription services to have regular foods and household goods automatically shipped to you each month. This approach minimizes the need for frequent trips to the store and ensures that essentials are always available.  It saves you time and money, freeing you to focus on what truly matters.

And seriously, not having to worry about going to the store to get those same items you use all the time take a noticeable amount off your plate. Toilet paper, tissues, laundry detergent, dish detergent, cleaning products, coffee, tea, toiletries, home office supplies, and a ton of other household supplies can all be set up to be automatically delivered at specified intervals. And you typically get a discount on these items when you do this! Such a game changer!

19. Meditate:

Meditating hands symbolize the mental clarity meditation can bring and help you take control of your life

Cultivate Inner Peace and Mental Clarity – Meditation and breath work are powerful tools for calming the mind and nurturing inner peace. Incorporating these into your routine brings profound mental and emotional benefits such as reduced stress, enhanced focus, a sense of serenity, and keeps you grounded in the present moment. Mindfulness becomes a gateway to approaching life with greater clarity and appreciating the small wonders around you, amplifying your sense of joy and contentment.

  • Balance: Guided meditation app great for beginners and experienced alike. It offers sessions for various situations to help you learn the practice of meditation, relax and practice mindfulness. New users can get 1 year for free – available in the Apple or Google Play stores
  • Calm: Guided meditation and relaxation app that helps you stay present and reduce stress – available in the Apple or Google Play stores

20. Watch Less TV and Turn Off the News:

Elevate Mental Well-Being – Limiting exposure to excessive TV and news consumption offers a respite from information overload.  Watching too much TV can have negative effects on your physical and mental health, such as reducing your physical activity, disrupting your sleep, increasing your stress, and lowering your mood. The news can also be a source of anxiety and fear, mainly due to the sensationalized and biased content the news constantly features.

This can be a hard habit to break. But look at how much time you typically spend in a day watching TV. Then calculate how much that is over a longer period of time, say 6 or 12 months. It might make it easier to change your habit. Especially when you really don’t remember much of what you watch.

Instead of instant gratification TV, choose to engage with meaningful content.  Avoiding the constant barrage of negative news will do wonders for your mental well-being, minimize stress, and create space for activities that foster joy and personal growth instead.

21. Define Your Ideal Day:

Shape Your Life with Purpose – Envisioning your ideal day empowers you to set goals aligned with your values and aspirations.  Creating a roadmap toward a more purposeful and fulfilling life gives you a clear framework for making intentional choices and pursuing activities that bring you joy.  This practice fosters a sense of purpose and empowers you to prioritize what truly matters.

When you know what your ideal day looks like it gives you clarity. You understand what matters to you, cutting through the noise and chaos. It’s about knowing whether you want to sip coffee at dawn or dance in your PJs at midnight. And when you have a blueprint that reflects your values, joys, and aspirations it gives you something to work towards, one small step at a time.

I used to feel very anxious and uptight about my day-to-day responsibilities and routines. I didn’t know what I wanted, but I knew how I was living wasn’t it. It wasn’t until I sat down and really thought about what I wanted my days to look like in general that my anxiety went away. I had acknowledged how I wanted to live, and I was able to start taking small steps to get there.

Additional resources you may find helpful and educational:

22. Take More Walks:

Sun shining through the trees in nature

Elevate Physical Well-Being – Incorporate walks into your routine is a great way to get some exercise and nurture your well-being. Walking promotes physical health, reduces stress, and invites moments of mindfulness. You’ll enhance your overall well-being, stimulate creativity, and generally feel better. Once you experience the benefits of walking, you’ll be motivated to increase your activity even more.

  • Stepz: A convenient step counter app that leverages the Apple Motion Coprocessor which collects your motion data automatically in the background while saving battery life. This simple pedometer app has been specifically developed for the iPhone and Apple Watch.

23. Practice Self-Care and Create Downtime for Yourself:

Nurture Self-Care and Recharge – Amid the rush of daily life, it’s vital to carve out moments for self-care. Engaging in these activities empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and bask in the radiant glow of your own joy. Commit to doing 2 of these activities a week, and determine which ones contribute most to your wellness: Take a relaxing bath, go for a walk outside, listen to music, read a book, write in a journal, practice yoga or meditate, get a massage or facial, spend unplugged time with family and friends, or try a new healthy recipe. Knowing what activities feed your soul will motivate you to make time for them, and these are the things that allow you to recharge, reduce stress, and nurture your emotional well-being.  And when you do that, you’re better able to face life’s challenges with resilience and clarity.  

  • Happify: This app provides games and activities that have been scientifically proven to help you overcome negative thoughts, stress and life’s challenges and become more positive.

24. Create a Morning Routine:

Set the Stage for SuccessMornings are a canvas upon which you can paint a masterpiece of intention and positivity. Creating a morning routine sets the tone for your entire day.  Even if you have to get up earlier, give yourself 1 hour in the mornings to focus on activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. If you do any or all of the following you will see a difference!

  • 15 Minute workout / stretch / yoga
  • Meditate
  • Journaling
  • Drink Water

See my post Improve Your Day with a Morning Routine for more information on why having a morning routine is important, tips for how to create yours, and ideas of what you can do in the morning that will set the stage for a successful day.

  • Fabulous: An app that helps you build healthy habits and improve your life one step at a time. Their goal is to make healthy routines an inseparable part of your life.

25. Practice Random Acts of Kindness:

Radiate PositivityIn a world that can often feel detached, the simplest acts of kindness wield immense power.  From sending a heartfelt message to someone you appreciate to supporting a local business, or helping someone less fortunate, these small gestures ripple with positivity, deepening your connection to the world around you.

  • BeKind: This app provides daily suggestions for simple acts of kindness you can perform for others – available in the Apple or Google Play stores
Tackling your finances as you take control of your life

26. Automate Finances:

Simplify Your Monetary Journey – Financial stress can be a significant burden on our lives.  If you’re worrying about your personal money management, it can lead to anxiety and stress and your physical health will take a hit. Financial worries are notorious for stealing sleep, which further impacts your health and wellness.

Use an app or program that streamlines the management of all your bills, expenses, savings, budgets, etc. If you have all your financial details tracked and visible in one place, you’ll always be aware of where you’re at and there will be no need to worry about it. You’ll free up mental space to fully enjoy the experiences that truly bring you joy!

  • YNAB (You Need A Budget): Highly rated budgeting app that helps you organize your life by managing your finances and automating savings and bill payments (pronounced ‘why-nab’) – available in the Apple or Google Play stores

27. Unplug Before Bed:

Foster Restful SleepThe blue light emitted by digital devices can disrupt sleep patterns, and sleep is so important as we get older.  The best solution is to stay off devices before bed, but if that’s not possible ensure you are reducing blue light exposure in the evening.  As you cultivate a bedtime routine free from digital distractions, you’ll wake up refreshed and ready to embrace the day ahead.

Read my post How to Get Better Sleep for more information on why sleep is so important for our restoration, and what you can do to help ensure you’re getting the deep sleep you need. There are also several apps available that will track your sleep movements, breathing, noise, and patterns with the use of your phone or watch. You then get insights into your sleep patterns, trends, and habits.

  • SleepScore: This app uses your phone’s microphone and speaker to measure your breathing and movement during sleep. It then gives you a detailed report of your sleep quality, duration, and stages. It also provides personalized advice and recommendations to improve your sleep based on scientific research. You can also compare your sleep score with other users and set goals and challenges for yourself – available in the Apple or Google Play stores
  • SleepWatch: This app is designed for Apple Watch users who want to track their sleep automatically. It uses the watch’s sensors to monitor your heart rate, motion, and noise while you sleep. It then syncs the data with your iPhone and gives you insights into your sleep patterns, trends, and habits. You can also set smart alarms, get daily tips, and join a community of sleepers.

28. Reduce Digital Clutter:

Organize Your Precious MemoriesOur devices can become cluttered with photos and videos, obscuring the meaningful moments captured within them.  By curating your digital memories, you create a space that honors the beauty of the past while leaving room for new experiences.

Just like physical clutter, digital clutter can overwhelm your mind. Have you ever tried finding that one cute pic from last summer and ended up scrolling for an eternity? That’s digital stress right there. But when your phone is a neatly organized haven, you experience JOMO – the joy of missing out. You’re not constantly bombarded by old memories or distracted by the 50 pictures you took at that concert. It’s like mental decluttering.

Reducing digital clutter can actually help your phone’s performance and battery life, and it’s good for your security too. Knowing exactly what’s on your phone means you’re less likely to accidentally share something private. Plus, it’s easier to back up the important stuff.

Remember that taking the time to organize your photos is a priceless investment, and one that your loved ones will treasure for generations to come.

How to Tackle the Beast:

  • Use Organizing Apps – There are apps out there that can sort your photos by date, place, or even faces. It’s like having a personal assistant for your memories.
  • Embrace the Delete Button – It’s tough but necessary. Not every photo is cover-worthy. Be ruthless!
  • Cloud Storage is Key – Use cloud services to keep your important memories safe and your phone’s storage unburdened.
  • Print the Special Ones – Old school but gold. Print and frame your favorites. Let your walls tell your story, not just your phone screen.
  • Regular Clean-ups – Set a date with your phone every month. Swipe left on the stuff that doesn’t spark joy.

Resources to Help:

  • Google Photos: Backup and organize your photos and videos, freeing up space on your devices. It automatically organizes photos by date, location, and even recognizes faces. Plus, unlimited storage!
  • Amazon Photos: If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you get unlimited photo storage. Talk about a sweet deal!
  • Photo Organizing Made Easy – Going from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed: This book helps you organize, maintain, and most importantly, enjoy your photos. Learn how to tackle the challenges of time and technology.

Remember, your phone is a tool for you, not a storage unit. Keep it light, keep it bright!

29. Connect with Nature:

Rediscover Earth’s BeautyAmid the rush of modern life, a deeper connection with nature can be transformative.  This connection fosters an appreciation for the natural world’s intricate beauty, encouraging you to seek solace and joy in its tranquil embrace.

Nature is one of the world’s best therapists, and she’s totally free. Studies show that spending time outdoors reduces symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. And the sun is a major source of Vitamin D, which is crucial for bone health, immune function, and fighting off those pesky blues. Exposing yourself to natural light helps regulate your sleep patterns, and being outdoors is a great way to unplug and recharge your batteries.

Being in nature encourages mindfulness and grounding. It’s about being present in the moment, listening to the rustling leaves, feeling the breeze, deep breathing the fresh air – it’s meditative without even trying. Simply put, nature makes us happy. The colors, sounds, and smells of the outdoors stimulate our senses in a positive way, lifting our spirits.

  • PlantSnap: Identify and learn about plants during your outdoor adventures with this app, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world – available in the Apple or Google Play stores
Beautiful fall foliage in nature, inspiring you to take control of your life

30. Learn to Say No:

Prioritize What MattersSimplicity flourishes when you learn to set boundaries and embrace saying no.  Equip yourself with the art of boundary-setting using the “No Is Beautiful” approach. This practice empowers you to decline commitments that don’t align with your priorities, enabling you to invest your time and energy in pursuits that truly resonate with your values.

Remember, simplifying your life doesn’t mean sacrificing joy; it’s about curating a life that aligns with your values and brings genuine happiness.  Start small, simplify with intention, and celebrate progress.  Choose the methods that resonate with you and gradually integrate them into your life.  Each step you take brings you closer to a more meaningful and joyful existence.  So start making some small changes, and revel in the newfound clarity and contentment that follow!

And FYI… Many of these activities will be written about in-depth in future posts.  If there are any you are particularly interested in, please send me some feedback!

Your Turn!

What are some areas of your life that you feel are out of control?

Do you have any tips for regaining focus on any of the areas I listed above?

What areas would you most like to see an in-depth post about getting control of?

Thank you so much for all your feedback – it really helps me focus my content so I can support you!

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