Get Better with Age – What Exactly Does It Mean?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “Get Better with Age” used more with wine than anything else.

So, what does ‘getting better as you get older’ for us mature women entail?

It’s a mind-shift from how you’ve probably thought about life up until now. Chances are you’ve spent most of your life putting everyone else’s needs before your own. Well now you need to be focused on YOU!

Wellness, healthy food, fitness, creativity, friendships, and style – these things are so important to your existence, especially as you get older.

If you want to be authentically happy, healthy, fulfilled, and thriving in your 2nd act, you need to focus on these areas and do right by them. It might sound like a lot, but remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

It starts with small steps, which may be the hardest ones to take. But each one after that gets easier, and those small steps gradually evolve into new habits. Over time, these new habits become the catalyst for massive change in your life.

Let’s break down these six areas and understand how they contribute to your path of aging gracefully and joyfully:

1. Wellness:

Wellness is at the core of your journey. It’s a holistic state of being that encompasses your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Wellness is not just the absence of disease, but the presence of vitality. It’s about feeling good in your body and mind and having a positive outlook on life.

Wellness is also about finding balance, harmony, and peace within yourself and with others, in a way that reflects your personal style and preferences. Some of the things we’ll explore are meditation, mindfulness, gratitude, self-care, stress management, positivity, and happiness.

Healthy food will help you get better with age.

2. Healthy Food:

Healthy eating is a key pillar in your quest to get better with age.

Healthy food is not just fuel for our bodies, but nourishment for our souls.

It’s about eating whole foods, healthy fats, and taking care of your gut while staying away from processed foods, inflammatory foods, and cutting down on sugar.

It’s also critical to focus on the science of nutrition and your body, as opposed to what food companies advertise to us (this is where you can completely change how you look at food!).

And don’t forget enjoying the process of cooking, eating, and sharing meals with our loved ones – such important connections!

Among other things, you’ll find healthy whole food recipes, superfoods and anti-aging foods (and the science behind it), seasonal eating, and mindful eating. Remember, it’s about nourishing your body with delicious, nutritious, and satisfying food, not depriving it.

3. Fitness:

Regular physical activity is non-negotiable as we get older!

Fitness is not just exercise for our muscles, but movement for our whole being. It’s about staying active, strong, and flexible.

Our bodies need to stay in motion, and we need to exercise intelligently and be smart about recovery.

It’s no longer about spending hours in the gym doing grueling workouts (YEAH!). It’s about having fun, challenging ourselves, feeling alive, and knowing our limits.

Again, the science behind how exercise and recovery impact your physiology is what’s important, not what advertisers typically tell you.

There are so many ways to stay active and strong; and finding what you genuinely enjoy, whether it’s walking, dancing, hiking, or yoga, is key.

The goal is to keep your body strong, maintain flexibility, boost your energy levels, and recover intelligently.

Your body will thank you for it in the long run!

4. Creativity:

Your creative side is your secret weapon in the journey of getting better with age.

Creativity is not just a skill for artists, but a gift for everyone. It’s about expressing ourselves in unique and meaningful ways.

It’s also about exploring new possibilities, discovering new passions, and learning new things. There are so many benefits to allowing your creative side to blossom.

Continued learning is one of the key activities to staying youthful, and there’s nothing more fun than learning a new creative skill.

It can be a tangible skill where you create something with your hands, or it can be a skill where you create performance art such as dancing or acting.

The possibilities are endless, and we’ll cover a lot! Whatever keeps your mind active and engaged, it’s your opportunity to explore new horizons and express a side that is uniquely you.

5. Friendships:

Friendships are key to getting better with age.

Don’t underestimate the power of cultivating connections and spending time with people you love.

Maintain and nurture your friendships, and don’t pass up any opportunity to make new ones.

They are not just social connections. These relationships provide emotional support, laughter, and a sense of belonging that are essential for a fulfilling and joyful life.

It’s also important to be there for others, give back to our community and make a difference in the world.

Having people who care about us, listen to us, inspire us, and like to do the same things as we do will keep us from feeling isolated, and gives us a necessary sense of family if we don’t live near ours. Without this, studies show that we age quicker.

With all that our treasured social connections give us, you can see why it’s critical to have them as we get older. So, make it a point to find your tribe ladies!

Consider socializing to be a wellness activity and see how you can work in more time with your dear friends.

6. Style:

Your style is your personal brand.

It’s no longer about chasing trends; it’s about embracing what makes you feel confident and authentic.

As you’ve aged, your life experiences, values, and self-awareness evolved. You’ve become more comfortable in your own skin and more accepting of who you are.

Your style is where you can express your authenticity. So, find your signature look and wear it with pride!

When you confidently embrace your unique style, you send a message that it’s never too late to express yourself and live life on your terms.

So let your style reflect your journey, celebrate your wisdom, and be a statement of your self-assuredness!

Getting Better with Age is a Journey

It may seem overwhelming when you consider all these aspects, but remember, not everything changes at once. It’s a journey, one that is deeply personal to you and goes at your own pace.

What matters is that you’re committed to taking those initial steps. Start by setting achievable goals.

For instance, in wellness, maybe you commit to a daily 10-minute meditation.

In healthy food, you could aim to add one extra serving of veggies to your meals.

In fitness, perhaps a 20-minute walk each day. You get the idea.

As you progress, these small victories will add up, and before you know it, you’ll be amazed at the transformation you’ve undergone.

Remember, this journey of getting better with age is not about becoming someone else; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself.

So, let’s raise a glass to embracing the beauty of aging and taking these small steps toward a more authentic, happy, and fulfilling second act. It’s your time to shine!

Remember, a healthy body and mind are your biggest assets as you age. Enjoy the journey!

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