Make Positive Wellness Resolutions and Stick to Them

RESOLUTIONS spelled with Scrabble tiles

Why New Year’s Resolutions are More Than Just Hyped-Up Dreams

New Year’s Eve isn’t just about popping bottles and fireworks; it’s the time when we all collectively decide to morph into better versions of ourselves.

There’s something about the New Year that screams new beginnings. It’s a chance to leave the old baggage behind and strut into the New Year with a fresh set of goals.

It’s Not Just a Tradition – It’s Psychological Magic

Even though most people who make wellness resolutions don’t keep them, studies also show that the people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to change their behavior than people who don’t make these yearly goals.

Wellness Resolutions are more than just wishful thinking and something we do on New Year’s Eve. They are our roadmap for personal growth. They’re about challenging yourself to be better, do better, and feel better. It’s your chance to intentionally drive your life where you want it to go.

Writing your resolutions in a journal helps you track them throughout the year

They’re Important to Make and Even More Important to Keep

One of the key pieces to getting better with age and living our best life is continually evolving into the best version of ourselves. And there’s nothing better than feeling in control of your life when you’re intentionally making positive changes and growing.

I personally love this time of year just for that reason. It’s a time when I can reflect on the positive changes I want to make and create a plan to achieve them.

Some years I’m not so successful. But I have learned that my chances of being successful are greatly improved when I write SMART wellness resolutions. And the next year when I get to make new resolutions, it’s not just a feeling of DeJa’Vu!

So, what are SMART resolutions?

SMART Wellness Resolutions:

  • Specific:  A goal should be well-defined and unambiguous. For example, if you want to “go to bed earlier,” that’s a vague goal. To make it specific, you could say, “I want to go to bed by 9 o’clock every night.”
  • Measurable:  You should be able to track your goal and easily know when you’ve achieved it. So, going to bed every night at 9 is a goal you can measure. You could mark your calendar or use a goal-tracking app to check off each night that you get to bed on time.
  • Attainable:  Goals should be ambitious, yet realistic and achievable. A goal of going to bed at 9 every night would not be realistic if you work the night shift—in fact, it would probably be impossible.
  • Relevant:  Your goal needs to matter to you, fit into your life and values, and be something you actually desire. If you want to make your health more of a priority, a goal like getting better sleep could be part of making that change. 
  • Time-bound:  Your goals need a deadline or at least a timeline. Setting an endpoint helps keep you motivated. So, if you want to fix your sleep hygiene, you could say, “I want to go to bed by 9 every night for the next month” and see how you do. By then, the new routine might have already become a habit.

Tips for Making and Keeping Your Wellness Resolutions

Limit the Number

Focus on only one or two goals at a time. Achieving even one small goal is very rewarding and can boost your belief in yourself. If your goals are large, try breaking them down into smaller manageable goals. Taking on too much all at once can be daunting, because establishing new habits and behaviors takes time and sustained effort.

Frame Your Wellness Resolutions Positively

Many resolutions deal with stopping a negative behavior. But studies have shown that framing your goals in positive terms increases how successful you are at achieving your goal. This is not surprising, given how powerful a positive mindset is! Focus on the positive side of quitting a negative behavior, and it’ll help your chances for success.

Stack Your Habits

One way to start a new habit that has proven to be effective is stacking it with another habit you already have. For example, if you already have a cup of coffee in the morning and you want to start eating a healthy breakfast, add your new habit to your existing habit and eat your healthy breakfast with your morning coffee.

Enjoy Your Resolutions

Kind of a no-brainer here, because if you enjoy what you are doing, chances are immensely greater that you will continue doing it than if you didn’t enjoy it. So come up with options that resonate with you, and you see as fun. If you’re trying to exercise more, choose activities that you enjoy and look forward to such as hiking or swimming, as opposed to going to the gym if that’s not your jam.

Don’t Repeat Past Failures

Try not to make the same wellness resolution year after year, because you keep failing at it. If you’ve already tried and failed, your belief in yourself will be low. But if it truly is something you want to accomplish, spend time evaluating your past attempts to understand why it didn’t work. Then alter your resolution enough to make it more feasible and you’ll be more likely to make progress this time.

Wellness Resolutions Must Be Your Own

It’s easy to end up chasing goals that our family or society have influenced us to achieve. If you’re resolving to lose weight because of societal norms, and it’s not something that is truly your goal, you will probably end up wasting your time and feeling like a failure. Ignore everything else and focus on goals that excite and energize you instead of trying to chase someone else’s resolution.

Get Support

Maybe you’ve heard this over and over again, but having a buddy as part of this process really works. It can help you stay motivated and accountable, as well as making it more fun. If you can’t find a buddy to join you in your goal, share your plans with your close friends and family and outright ask them for support.

Make a Detailed Plan

Setting goals wisely and putting in the time to plan out your efforts to achieve them are essential activities to the success of your wellness resolutions. You should understand how you will tackle a behavior change, including the steps you will take, why you want to do it, and how you will keep yourself on track. We all have days where we don’t reach our goals or get our activities done, so expect that will happen.

What you also need to know is how you will get yourself back on track after missing maybe a few days. And don’t be so hard on yourself if this happens. The important thing is to get back on track and continue making progress.

Start With Small Steps

Many New Year’s Resolutions fail from taking on too much too quickly and not being able to accommodate everything. If you want to start working out daily, start out with just 10 minutes every day, and bump up the time in small increments every few days. It may seem like a slow start, but these small incremental changes make it easier to stick to it and increase your chances for success.

Use a Wellness Resolution Journal

Now I love any excuse to start a new journal! Writing about your successes and struggles on a regular basis will keep your efforts top of mind and help you continue to make forward progress. Keep in your journal the reasons why you are working toward your goal so that you can refer to them when you feel unmotivated and need inspiration. Writing down what is causing you to falter will help you cope with it and come up with solutions to get back on track.

Visually Track Your Journey

Seeing progress is a very powerful motivator, so track yours. Use an app, journal, or even go old school with a wall chart and stickers. This is your personal journey, so make it fun to track and watch along the way.

It’s incredibly satisfying to see a visual representation of your wellness resolutions progress, and it gets you even more invested in the transformation process.

Learn and Adjust

Setbacks along the way are a common reason why people give up on their wellness resolutions. But a setback shouldn’t be viewed as a failure, but rather a learning opportunity. Chances are it’s not the last time it will happen, so tracking it in your journal will give you the tools to learn from your setbacks and prepare you for the next time it might happen.

Being flexible and adaptable can also help ensure that you stay on track. Life is unpredictable and you may need to make changes or adjustments to your plan as you go.

Stay Motivated

Of course, when you first start out on your journey your motivation is high. But after a while it’s common for your motivation to start to wane. This is when you need to remind yourself why you are doing this.

Remember the planning you did up front, including knowing why you are doing this? Think about what you will be gaining by achieving your goal. Knowing what inspires you will help keep you going when times get tough.

Give Yourself Time to Change

Change is a process that takes time, so be patient with yourself. Many unwanted habits took years to develop and will take time to be fully replaced with new habits. The important thing is to stay committed to changing your behavior for however long it takes.

Celebrate Wins, Even Small Ones

When you hit a milestone along the way, or notice that change is indeed happening, treat yourself! You deserve a reward, and this goes a long way to staying motivated and achieving your goals. Setting small goals and milestones throughout the year give you opportunities to celebrate and make it more likely you will stick to your wellness resolutions.

Don’t Give Up

Don’t let anything get in the way of achieving your goals. With this mentality you will learn from your slip ups and bad days and continue to push forward. Be proud of your accomplishments on this journey and your confidence that you can reach your goals will increase.

Wellness Resolution Ideas for 2024

Where do I start? There are actually so many ways we can make positive adjustments and improve ourselves. It’s a journey that should go on the rest of your years and is one of the things that can help you live a long, fulfilled, thriving life.

So don’t feel pressured to tackle everything at once. Focus on one or two things, and when you’re successful at that you’ll be empowered to layer on more.

Here’s 35 Ideas for Wellness Resolutions you can make that will benefit your well-being and leave you better than before. Remember you can start these at any time. Keep this list handy so you can layer on another beneficial change when you’ve got other habits established.

I’ll be going into many of these in-depth in future posts, so be sure to sign up the theRustiChic Newsletter so you won’t miss any of the goodness to come!

1. Take Control of Your Health

If you’ve been putting off making your health a priority, stop procrastinating and get started! Starting a big lifestyle change can feel overwhelming, but this is one of those goals you’ll need to break down into easy-to-manage tasks in order to be successful.

Start with planning a long-term goal to achieve by the end of the year—and break it down into achievable monthly goals. This provides monthly feedback and milestones that you can use to check in on your progress.

2. Create a New Budget

Need extra cash? Create or revamp your budget for the new year to make sure your spending matches your priorities

So many people struggle with money and finances, especially when we’re in uncertain times. The start of a new year is the perfect time to tackle your finances head-on and create a budget for the year ahead.

This doesn’t mean forgoing all of your favorite activities, but it can encourage you to take a look a hard look at your spending to see if there are unnecessary expenses, and how you can manage your money better for your goals. Plus, our priorities change as we get older, so this is an opportunity to ensure that your spending reflects what’s important to you.

Outline a budget and make a plan for how you’ll stick to it. Apps like Mint and You Need a Budget (YNAB) can help you do this as painlessly as possible.

3. Schedule Your Annual Health Screenings

This is a quick and easy wellness resolution to get done and check off your list! Most people don’t tackle this once at the beginning of the year, but it really makes sense to do.

Make your appointments for the year all at once, and you won’t have to worry about it for the rest of the year! And chances are better that you’ll keep these appointments when you’ve scheduled them first before life gets chaotic.

Start with your primary care doctor and find out what screenings you’re due for the year and get those scheduled, then move on to the dentist and ophthalmologist. Believe me, anything you can do to make health care a bit easier and less stressful is worth the effort!

4. Quit Smoking

This is the ultimate in wellness resolutions! Cigarettes are extremely harmful for your health in so many ways, but particularly your lungs. If you’re looking for longevity and thriving as you get older, this is definitely a habit you want to kick.

But it’s also a very hard habit to stop. Fortunately, there are many resources to help you get a jumpstart on ditching tobacco. If you’ve tried before but need some help, experts at the American Cancer Society outline a few tools that you can turn to this year.

5. Drink Less Alcohol

This is another wellness resolution that has so much benefit to your health but can also be so hard to do! It may not seem like you can have fun without drinking, but you certainly can! So why not make this year the one you cut back or even go completely sober?

Taking small steps can help you start. Then once you start feeling better (your mood, sleep, skin, and immune system will all improve), that may just be the motivation to keep going. Plus, it’ll also help you save money in the long run.

6. Regularly Try New Recipes

Cooking new recipes that benefit your health is a great way to eat better and enhance your cooking skills

If you’ve lost your inspiration for cooking, or are trying to switch up your eating habits, intentionally cooking something new every month or week is a great wellness resolution.

Incorporating new foods into your diet is a fun way to eat healthier. This can not only motivate you in the kitchen, but also create a new activity to share with a partner or friends. Cooking can be really fun with friends and family involved!

And at the end of the year, you’ll feel better and have a long list of healthy recipes you’ve mastered that can be added to your kitchen arsenal!

The food we eat is SO IMPORTANT to our health and wellness (remember – you are what you eat!). We should all have wellness resolutions around making the food we eat better and healthier for us.

If you haven’t signed up for theRustiChic Newsletter, make sure you do – there will be so much coming this year about healthy food and the benefits we get from it. Don’t miss out!

7. Practice Mindfulness

Stress and anxiety can hit anyone during any season, in all parts of life — and it can be easy to let the idea of the future or past experiences impact your present reality.

Practicing mindfulness means doing everything you can to be grateful for what you have in the moment, where you are in life, and who you are right now. Committing to practicing mindfulness will certainly help you become a better person. And this wellness resolution can be achieved in so many ways!

8. Read More

January is the perfect time of year to snuggle up with a good book!

To keep yourself accountable all year long, why not create a book club with friends and family to connect over what you’ve read? You’ll not only up your reading time, but you’ll also increase your social connections. Wellness resolutions that have multiple benefits to your health are so important to aging well!

Challenge yourself or your group to reading one book a month and take turns hosting your Book Club meetings. You can even add in a pot-luck dinner with a theme or other fun activities based on the book you’ve read. Hint: there will definitely be more posts coming about this, so sign up for theRustiChic Newsletter to ensure you don’t miss it!

9. Create a Cleaning Routine That Works for You

Keeping your home tidy without feeling like you spend all your time cleaning it every week can feel like an impossible quest. Turn to some experts in this field to find a solution that’s workable for you. You may find that you just need to make a few tweaks to your system.

Getting everyone in your family involved (everyone lives in the house and should contribute to the cleaning of it!) is also a way to take a lot of the load off yourself. And there you have multiple health benefits again – a tidy home that everyone is proud of, and more time back to you

10. Make Dinner Healthier and More Regularly

If you think you don’t have time to cook, focus instead on recipes you can make with ease. Embrace your oven, crock pot, Insta-Pot, and Air fryer to help you set and forget your way to more healthy family meals at the table!

Make it a goal to meal plan and prep on Sundays, starting out slow with only one Sunday per month. As it gets easier, add more Sundays.

11. Plan a Few Trips for the Year

Plan a hot air balloon ride as a positive wellness resolution

Taking vacations can actually lower your risk of a heart attack, and thinking about an upcoming trip can boost your happiness for weeks!

Vacations and small weekend trips not only make memories to last a lifetime, but they actually make you healthier and happier!

So, by planning these out in advance, you get a double whammy of wellness! The many benefits of being on vacation, and the additional happiness factor that comes with looking forward to your trip!

If you feel like your pocketbook won’t allow much travel, challenge yourself to travel on a budget. Focus on seeing the world and the memorable experiences you’ll get and forego some of the luxury and comfort you may be used to.

Or partner with somebody for a spontaneous day trip once a month. Do some research ahead of time on places to go, but don’t make any plans and just hit the road for the day. You’ll soon be looking forward to these excursions and appreciating the unknown!

An important positive wellness resolution is drinking enough water on a regular basis

12. Drink Up

We all know that drinking water is crucial, but many of us aren’t in the habit of drinking enough every day.

And if you only get six hours of sleep (or less) it’s even more important. Dehydration can sneak up on you after a bad night’s sleep, thanks to some fancy sleep-stage hormones.

So, drink extra water on those mornings after not sleeping well. But remember, balance is key – too much water can be a party pooper for your gut. Using a daily water tracker until you establish a healthy water intake is a great measurable resolution.

13. Career Makeover

Feeling a career change brewing in your soul? Despite the post-pandemic world’s quirks, there are savvy ways to negotiate a happy work life or stylishly transition to a new chapter.

Being happy in your workplace is definitely a must to age well. And in these times, it’s become a bit easier to negotiate for what you want. So don’t be afraid to make your case to your boss.

Think of it as career jazz – improvising to the new rhythms of work life. Just make sure you have a solid plan to move into your next phase, so you don’t burn any bridges.

14. The Many Benefits of Therapy

We all lean on our squad, but how about some professional unpacking of your mental attic? There are many benefits of therapy, even if you’re feeling top-notch. Fortunately, the stigma that therapy used to carry is decreased, and it’s become more common to get therapy as a means of prevention, not treatment.

Therapy can be a source of self-discovery, a boost of emotional resiliency, a way to learn to express yourself, communicate, and understand others better, or preparation to handle future stress and anxiety with ease.

If you want to get started all on your own some of the top therapy apps are just a download away. Try Headspace, Talkspace, BetterHelp, Calm, or Moodfit.

If you’re ready to dive deeper, you can even find the right pros without leaving your couch. Online therapy is more common than ever, and it can be helpful for anyone. Check out BetterHelp, Talkspace, 7 Cups, or MDLive.

15. Volunteer Regularly

Giving back isn’t just good karma; it’s good for your health. Regular volunteering can reduce stress and even lower blood pressure. So, it’s not only good for your wellness, but your actions benefit others in need. It’s just a win-win situation all around!

Start small, like on MLK Day, and keep that good energy rolling all year. Bonus points and karma if you rope in your friends or fam!

16. Embrace Body Positivity

In the world of filters and Photoshop, it’s time to celebrate every shape, color, and size and stop getting led astray by the current trend and social pressures.

Steer clear of the perfection-seeking, superficial influencers online. Find and follow the body-positive champs who celebrate the incredible things our bodies can do, regardless of their form.

Once you start listening to others who will help you embrace who you are, you’ll be amazed at the positive benefits of this wellness resolution!

17. Workout with a Plot Twist

Audiobooks during workouts can make exercise fly by. Tune into a thriller while on the treadmill, and suddenly you’re in a chase scene!

Studies have shown that exercisers who saved their audiobook for the gym worked out over 50% more than those who didn’t. Try services like Audible and transform gym time into story time. This is one area where stacking your wellness resolutions together can really help you succeed with both of them!

Adding weights and resistance training to your workouts is a positive wellness resolution that will benefit your health

18. Pump It Up with Weights

Already a cardio queen? Time to mix it up with some dumbbell action or resistance training!

Lifting weights can boost your stamina, sculpt your muscles, improve your posture, and maintain muscle mass. All things you want to do as you’re getting older.

And it doesn’t take much to do this at home either – so many household items can be used as weights if you don’t have them or don’t know what you want yet. But investing in some weights or resistance bands is making a commitment to yourself to keep your muscles strong as you get older, improving your health and staying out of the doctor’s office!

19. Home Fitness Fun

No need for fancy gym memberships – YouTube is a treasure trove of expert-led workouts. Challenge yourself to try something new and fun!

From dance-offs to ab challenges, it’s a buffet of fitness at your fingertips. Find a new workout routine that you haven’t done before and see if you like it. All from the comfort of your home!

20. Skill Up with the Stars

Have you ever wanted to learn something new from an expert, but they were on the other side of the world? Now you can do that without leaving your home! MasterClass uses global leaders and celebrity experts to teach their classes, and is dropping some serious knowledge bombs in 2024, from Indra Nooyi’s wisdom to John Legend’s melodies. Dip into a 30-day session or binge a full course.

21. Learn About and Immerse Yourself in Your Roots

Embracing your ancestry is a great way to promote longevity in your family

Channel the wisdom of long-lived cultures by surrounding yourself with family history. Hang that vintage family portrait or display cherished heirlooms. It’s about feeling part of a beautiful continuum and enjoying the sense of nostalgia our family treasures can give us.

In the happiest and longest living cultures around the world they remember and honor their ancestry. If you don’t know your family history, dive into learning about your genealogy online with, and talk to your oldest family members to get their stories firsthand.

So, don’t throw out your grandma’s cherished treasures, find a way to display and decorate with them – it’s good for your longevity!

22. Hydrotherapy High

Make a positive wellness resolution to enjoy hot-cold hydrotherapy regularly

Sore muscles? Low energy? Try the hot-cold magic of hydrotherapy. Alternating hot and cold temperatures can work wonders for pain relief, muscle recovery, and re-energizing your cells. Studies have suggested that this treatment works better than a day of recovery!

There are many ways to use the hot-to-cold principle – alternate from a cold pool to a hot tub, or a sauna and a cold shower. Or even step outside from your warm house on a cold winter day for a few minutes without a jacket.

That bracing shot of cold air or water is so good for your body! And to get the benefits of hydrotherapy regularly at home, end your hot showers with a burst of ice-cold water. This may be one of the easiest wellness resolutions to achieve, because all you have to do is turn your shower water to cold!

23. Chores Instead of Stuff

Studies have shown that people who spend money to have their chores done for them are happier than people who spend that same money on material goods. So, make a conscious effort to not spend money on stuff, and instead outsource time-consuming tasks and your least favorite chores for more joy.

This not only keeps you from accumulating stuff you probably don’t need, but it frees up the time you would spend doing some chores. It’s simply a matter of redirecting some of your discretionary income that will ultimately give you more time back, increase your happiness, and start to reduce stuff we accumulate. Genius!!

Use services like TaskRabbit to get someone to do specific jobs. Or if money is tight, look into swapping chores with a friend. It’s about smartly investing in your happiness and well-being.

24. Wardrobe Cleanout

Commit to cleaning out your closet and ditching all those “someday” clothes. Studies show that keeping smaller clothes as motivation to lose weight doesn’t work and can actually backfire.

Most of us have kept some articles of clothing we love even though they don’t fit anymore, thinking that we’ll lose the weight and wear it again someday. But admittedly, that day never comes.

Instead, focus on feel-good, healthy habits (because this works!) and striving for a body-positive perspective. Read my post Reboot Your Style With a Closet Cleanout for more information on how to do this beneficial activity.

25. New Hobbies Await

Every new year is a great time to pick a new hobby to start. This is a sure-fire way to keep yourself mentally challenged and learning something new – crucial to aging well and thriving.

And you don’t always have to learn a new skill or create something. Spice up your weekends and free time with new experiences – dive into a new cuisine at restaurants you’ve never eaten at, take cultural outings – museums, theaters, concerts in your area, or get to know National Parks and popular hikes where you live.

Long-term research has shown that people who complain of boredom are about twice as likely to die from heart disease. So, get a new hobby – it’s a heart-health booster! And when you realize how invigorating learning and doing new things is to your soul, you’ll likely get hooked!

26. Skincare That Cares

A new skincare routine is a great positive wellness resolution

One of the best wellness resolutions you can do is to revamp your skincare routine and add products that nourish your skin, not conceal it. When you bare your beautiful skin instead of covering it up, it’s very liberating and helps you feel great about yourself!

Commit to spending more time caring for your skin than you do putting makeup on. I love makeup as much as you do, but when I really focused on taking care of my skin, I became obsessed!

Now I don’t wear makeup much at all, and it’s been very liberating! I’m much happier spending the time taking care of my skin than covering it up. And now I don’t have to go through the process of uncovering it at the end of the day and possibly not liking what I see in the mirror as much!

27. Music for the Soul

Upbeat tunes can lift your mood, lower stress, and even lessen pain. This is one of the best mood enhancing wellness resolutions, so create your happiness playlist and let the good vibes roll!

Use streaming services like Spotify or Amazon Music to create and save your Happiness playlist. Play it whenever you need a mood boost, are doing chores around the house you don’t particularly like, or just want to feel upbeat. It’s very true – music soothes the soul!

At home, make a conscious effort to turn the TV off and the music on. I have been so much more productive with music instead of the TV, and as much as I hated the thought of it at first, I found that I really like it better! TV is a distraction; music is an enhancement!

Taking daily walks is a great positive wellness resolution

28. Walk it Out

Can’t commit to a fitness routine? No sweat. Just walk. It’s simple, effective, and endorsed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Start taking long walks, walk to work or to do errands if you can, or start up a walking group with your friends.

Look for new places in your area to explore on foot and challenge yourself to how many new locations you’ll walk in the year.

It’s a great way to socialize, listen to music or a podcast, plan your day, and get to know your area better! This wellness resolution can lead to so many other benefits, so get walking!

29. Ditch Multitasking

Focus on one thing at a time, period. Your brain can be strengthened just like any other part of your body, and studies show that multi-tasking actually decreases your brain’s fitness level.

It can also stress you out more than it makes you productive. When you fragment your focus on multiple tasks and new items come up before anything is completed, it can easily make you anxious.

So instead of reading the paper while on the treadmill and listening to the news all at the same time, just do one. Focusing on one activity at a time for a period of time will not only strengthen your brain, but you’ll find that you have more energy too!

30. Sunlight Soak

Sunlight is essential for your health, even in winter. There are so many benefits to getting your Vitamin D from sunlight. It’s essential for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation.

It also helps regulate your circadian rhythms which impacts your productivity and improves your sleep patterns.

Sunlight can boost serotonin levels which helps your mood, and it also triggers nitric oxide release in the skin that can help lower blood pressure.

Commit to getting 15-30 minutes of sun every day (make sure to balance sun exposure with chemical-free skin protection), and watch your mood brighten over time.

31. Be Kind to Yourself

In today’s world, this has become one of the most important wellness resolutions you can make. Everyday give yourself a dose of gratitude and self-love. It’s scientifically proven to boost happiness and even improve sleep.

A wonderful habit to establish is to start each day with a positive thought about yourself. The benefits you’ll get from this are so powerful!!

32. Rekindle Your Friendships

One of the most important aspects of getting better as you get older is having your tribe of friends that you connect with regularly. So include in your wellness resolutions to strengthen your social circle.

If too much time has gone by without connecting, commit to reaching out to your friends on a regular basis. Establishing this habit will give such good health benefits to you all. It’s worth it to make a plan to get together or check-in regularly. And pretty soon you’ll wonder how you ever got along without your tribe!

It’s also very common to not have that social circle of friends as you get older, so be sure to sign up for theRustiChic Newsletter. This year I’m focusing on this for myself, and I will be posting a lot on this!

Happy people jumping on the beach, all spreading positivity and kindness

33. Spread Positivity and Kindness

Be the source of good vibes. Remember your thoughts and words are powerful. They influence your emotions and the emotions of those around you.

So, avoid gossip, smile more, be mindful of your manners, show compassion for those around you, and choose to uplift others.

Commit to one random act of kindness every week, and one compliment a day for the year. You can even spread encouragement online by giving positive reviews, likes, and comments. It may seem like a lot, but hopefully it would only be the tip of the kindness iceberg!

This is one of the important wellness resolutions because it not only helps your health and well-being, but people around you benefit too, and the ripple effect makes it every more powerful. Remember, KINDNESS MATTERS!

34. Declutter and Organize

Whether you have a clutter issue to deal with or not, beginning each year with a focused deep cleaning and decluttering of at least the important areas of your home is a great add to your wellness resolutions.

Your bedroom is where you sleep and rejuvenate and should be kept clean and decluttered. The garage tends to be the catch-all for ‘stuff’, and when that is overflowing then everything else tends to get backed up. So, commit to starting in one of these spaces.

Make a plan to hit the areas that need it the most and strive for a stress-free environment. Make 2024 the year of organization and peace!

Recycling plastic bottles is a good positive wellness resolution

35. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Make a commitment to do your part for the environment. If everyone made just one or two small adjustments to their carbon footprint, can you imagine the impact that would have?

Reduce waste, swap paper towels for rags, use reusable grocery bags, stop buying household products in plastic containers, or make compost for your yard. All small changes, but big impacts!

Wellness resolutions that not only help you, but also others and the environment are so important. You get that added benefit of knowing that your changes are positively impacting others too. That’s a great accomplishment!

Don’t Be Afraid to Try

Whether it’s fitness, nutrition, mental wellbeing or another area of your life, there are many valuable tweaks we can make that make all the difference to our health and happiness. Nobody is perfect, and nobody will ever achieve perfection. So don’t be afraid to try becoming the best version of yourself (even the best version won’t be perfect!)

Most of these Resolutions are designed simply to make yourself feel better. As we get older, feeling better really becomes the name of the game. So, it’s certainly a great place to put some focus in the new year. Because once you start feeling better, you will certainly be motivated to continue on the path of getting better as you get older!

Happy New Year and Cheers to YOU!!

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