Live Your Best Life and Thrive: My RustiChic Story

Stacked rocks in water, representing wellness.

In life’s journey, there comes a time when we are faced with the profound challenge of aging. Not only for ourselves but for those around us. We don’t feel good, our parents may be ailing, and we aren’t happy with where we’re at in life, making it even more difficult to navigate through the maze this world has become. These daunting experiences sparked the motivation behind my wellness blog for women. The RustiChic is a platform dedicated to helping women get better as you age. Not only to live your best life and thrive as you get older, but to also avoid a health care system that can be more frustrating than it is helpful.

The World Has Changed

We all know that in recent years, our world has undergone a dramatic makeover. Major events including the Covid-19 pandemic, social justice movements (#MeToo, Black Lives Matter), political discourses, cybersecurity attacks, and climate change issues have significantly impacted our world in various ways, from our daily lives to global politics and the future of our planet. Everything seems to be getting harder and more costly to individuals.

The simplicity that used to define our lives has given way to complexity. And the price we pay, both financially and emotionally, has escalated drastically. The result? An overwhelming sense of stress and exhaustion that can feel all-consuming and at times very difficult to get out from under.

Healthcare Has Changed

As the years roll by, we find ourselves facing a healthcare system that’s evolved in ways we couldn’t have imagined. It’s no longer the straightforward, patient-centered industry it once was. Instead, it has morphed into a labyrinthine maze of bureaucracy, rising costs, and ever-shifting priorities. My first-hand experience navigating this maze was, quite frankly, a revelation.

1. The Costly Reality

A Health care worker in scrubs

One stark reality I think we’ve all encountered is the cost of healthcare. What was once a system designed to ensure well-being has, for many, become an overwhelming financial burden. Insurance coverage, once a reliable safeguard, now often leaves us with unexpected out-of-pocket expenses, especially for the elderly.

And employers don’t cover the costs of insurance for their employees like they used to, leaving us to pay more while the coverage has lessened. These changes are enough to make anyone reevaluate their health management approach. And it certainly doesn’t give you any confidence in your healthcare system when it doesn’t help you live your best life and thrive.

2. The Time-Consuming Battle

In the age of efficiency and technology, one would expect a smoother experience in managing healthcare. Yet, the paradox is that it has never been more time-consuming. Coordinating between doctors, specialists, pharmacies, and insurers, as well as research on drug options has become something the patient is now expected to do. The hours spent making phone calls, filling out forms, looking for quality doctors who are available, and conducting research are exasperating. Especially when you’re dealing with health challenges or helping aging parents through the process.

3. A Disheartening Lack of Compassion

What may be the most disheartening of all is the lack of compassion in this new era of healthcare. The patient’s well-being and peace of mind have been left behind in the rush to cut costs and streamline processes. Doctors may be skilled, but the care and attention they can provide often feel limited. It’s a stark contrast to the era where your family doctor knew you by name and genuinely cared about your health.

I Was Beginning to Feel Old and Didn’t Like My Future

An antique doll, symbolizing the opposite of live your best life and thrive.

Plain and simple, I didn’t feel like I used to. I wasn’t taking care of myself as I should have been, and it felt like it. My health was heading in the wrong direction, much like my career that already had gone by the wayside. I just didn’t have it in me to work for someone else anymore. The world has become a place where companies don’t have your best interest at heart. And there’s no guarantee that you will reap the benefits you deserve after giving years of hard work to fulfill someone else’s dream and bank accounts.  The norm of establishing a career, saving your money, working until you are 65, then retiring has become very difficult to achieve. And very unappealing to even try. 

The world has changed so drastically, taken so much, and left us with so little in the last few years. For many of us, living differently has become more than a choice. It’s an absolute necessity to protect our well-being and avoid ending up with nothing but regrets one day (one of my worst fears!).

Old ways of life and plans for the future no longer feel secure. Many of us are faced with doubts about what the world will look like in the not-too-distant future. All of this has made me realize that now is the time to define my own life and future. To live my best life and thrive as I get older.

The Inspiration Behind My Wellness Blog

The heart of my blog is a call to self-care and personal growth. It’s a reminder that, as we age, our health and wellness become an even more precious commodity. We must invest in it. By making healthier choices, nurturing our mental and physical well-being, and engaging in preventative measures, we can reduce our dependence on a healthcare system that may not always have our best interests at heart.

When we’re healthy, we have the ability and motivation to keep growing and do what makes us happy and fulfilled. This is the key to living a long, productive, and meaningful life. Something we would all hate to miss out on!

The Value of a Supportive Community

Hands forming a circle, as if helping each other to live your best life and thrive.

My blog aspires to be more than just a source of information. It’s a virtual community of women who understand the challenges of aging and are eager to support one another. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could rewrite the narrative that society currently has of elderly people?

Let’s take charge of our health and wellness, adopt preventative strategies, and support one another on a journey that despite its challenges, can be one of beauty, wisdom, and strength!

As we get older, we should not get lost in the maze of healthcare. Or give up on achieving our dreams and living our best life. We should be active drivers of our own well-being, happiness, and living life to the fullest on our terms. The aim is not to eliminate the healthcare industry but to shift our focus from its shortcomings to our strengths.

Together, as a community of women, we can inspire each other to embrace self-care, continue growing and learning, celebrate our resilience, and write the next chapter of our lives with vigor and vitality. The journey begins with a simple yet profound commitment. Live our best life and thrive as we get better and older.

Let’s get this conversation started! Tell me about your wellness journey in the comments below. Do you have challenges you’re facing? Have you started feeling not as young as you used to? What are some things you’ve started doing to reverse the feelings of aging?

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